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Portfolio Padrão Condominial

Padrão Condominial
Ux / Ui Design

Project Details:

  • Client: Padrão Condominial
  • Date: 2019 - Moment
  • Project: Web Development
  • Status: Complete
Efficiency, innovation, and experience!

Landing Page created for a Professional Condominium Manager company. We used advanced frameworks and incorporated elements such as a full-screen slider/banner, images in .webp format for performance optimization.

To facilitate visitor contact, we developed a secure .php form with the addition of cookie security measures. Additionally, we leveraged advanced resources such as bootstrap.min.js, jquery.min.js, and js/owl.carousel.min.js.

Navigation is simplified with a navbar-nav-mobile menu and well-organized sections to highlight the key aspects of the services. We also included media elements, such as video in .webm format.


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